Webinar Series on Financial Planning

The Arc Georgia's Financial Planning Webinar Series starts tomorrow!

Description: Planning for the future is important for all families. Thinking about the future can be challenging and emotional. However, experience shows that people with disabilities make a better transition from the family home when a future plan is in place. A future plan can also provide peace of mind for caregivers of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. This 4-part financial planning webinar will allow participants to think about the following topics with leading experts in this field:

10/8 @ 11am Liz Mahar, The Arc US – Future Planning 101 Future Planning: It’s Possible and Necessary

10/15 @ 11am GeorgiaSTABLE, ABLE Accounts STABLE Accounts - Save without losing Medicaid benefits

10/22 @ 11am David Pollan, Pollan Law Firm, Medicaid Estate Recovery Medicaid Estate Recovery: Did I Sign that Form?

10/29 @ 11am Teresa Whitton, SE Trust, The Arc Georgia Pooled Trust Special Needs Pool Trusts: Pooling your Trusts

You can register here: https://thearc-org-ga.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpf-GspjgvGtHyJMjxJGyY8Gk8cAT8q77C?fbclid=IwAR2zNPp03wA5akzyugT_v23WfqaLQkIIjtnrF5l3WaoJdOMx09CKHEtFZiA

Webinar on finding and keeping a job that becomes a career

The ARC is offering a 2-part webinar series for people with disabilities on finding and keeping a job that becomes a career. Part 1 is TODAY.

Community Business Partner Aja Humbert, HR Manager with Sherwin Williams, will share insights on successful employment.

Part One: Building your Resume & Finding "THE" Job

TODAY: Thursday, 8/20 from 11:00 am-noon EST

Part Two: Successful Interviewing Skills & Keeping the Job to become Career

Thursday, 8/27 from 11:00 am - noon EST

Don Perry and The Arc of Clayton County will host community partner Aja Humbert, Sherwin Williams-Morrow Plant, in a discussion on how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities sustain employment into a career!!

To Register, go to:


Stress relief for caregivers

We hope this finds you well during these strange times. We have missed seeing everyone over the past few months but have felt that holding group gatherings just wasn’t safe, especially since many of the folks we serve through Haven have health conditions that put them at high risk while COVID-19 is going around. We had hoped to restart in-person gatherings in the fall, but with the number of cases in our area continuing to go up, we’re looking at online options instead for now.

For our first online program, we’re having a stress-relief session on August 15 at 11AM especially for parents and other caregivers. Lyn Ford,  a nationally known storyteller and educator who is a strong supporter of the special needs community, will be guiding us through what she calls laughter yoga—some gentle stretches and guided laughter exercises you can do while sitting to help you alleviate or reduce the impact of whatever stress you have in your life and leave you feeling like you’ve had a mini vacation—all in the comfort of your own home. Lyn will help everyone laugh and relax for about 45 minutes and then have time to answer questions. So if you’re carrying around stress you need to shake loose or just want to spend a few minutes feeling good in body and spirit, this program is for you. As with everything Haven does, it’s free. It will be online through Zoom, a free videoconferencing service (https://zoom.us/).  If you’re interested, send us a quick email (havenprojectofga@gmail.com), and we’ll make sure you receive the link to log in for the program on August 15th.

Lyn Ford

Lyn Ford

Important Webinar on 4/3/20

COVID-19 Disability Policy Update
this Friday, 4/3, 11:00

The ARC Georgia is putting on a webinar this Friday about state and federal policies addressing the needs of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about:
— Section 1135 waivers to temporarily waive or modify certain Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) requirements
—1915 (c) Waiver Appendix K strategies utilized by the state during emergency situations
— Eligibility for Recovery Rebates/Stimulus Checks
— Paycheck Protection Program Loans
—Needed advocacy efforts for disability inclusive COVID-19 policy

PRESENTERS: Disability Policy Experts
Nicole Jorwic, JD - Federal Update on COVID-19 Policy
The Arc’s Senior Director of Public Policy, Nicole Jorwic JD, is on the front line of federal disability policy advocacy. She is directly involved with COVID-19 policy and working tirelessly to ensure people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are represented. Nicole will help us understand what policies have passed and the next steps for federal COVID-19 advocacy.

Charlie Miller - State Update on COVID-19 Policy
As the legislative advocacy director, Charlie Miller leads the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) in its community engagement and advocacy efforts in the state legislature. He and GCDD policy team member, Alyssa Lee PsyD, are leading our COVID-19 policy and legislative efforts in Georgia. Charlie will update us on state level COVID-19 policy and what those policies mean to Georgian's with disabilities and their families.



We had been looking forward to enjoying the St. Patrick's Day parade tomorrow in Blue Ridge as a Haven Project group event, but the parade has been cancelled.

As an alternate activity, you might check out the North Georgia Autism Art Gallery in Blue Ridge (it is up behind Ingles) for painting from 10-2. It’s not a Haven-sponsored event, so we don't have more information to share, but it looks fun.

We'll be monitoring the coronavirus situation and will get back in touch as plans for other Haven Project group activities develop.

March Events!

We're having two events in March:

-- On Saturday, March 14, let's get together to watch the Blue Ridge St. Patrick's Day parade. We'll meet up near the Mercier Orchards store at the intersection of Depot and West Main because there is some handicapped accessible parking there, and there are benches and spaces where people can set up chairs to watch the parade. The parade starts at 11AM, but you may want to come a little earlier so you can park, especially since the train also takes off at 11. Haven will bring some St. Patrick's Day accessories so we can decorate ourselves and get in the spirit of things. Wear green if you like, and bring your own folding chair if you'll need one. This event is for everyone (all ages). 

-- On Saturday, March 21, we're putting on the Duncan Dash 5k run/walk and 1-mile fun run at 8:30AM at Meeks Park in Blairsville. This event will raise money to pay for Haven Project programs for the next year.

Families associated with Haven Project can run or walk in the 5k or 1-mile fun run at no cost. Just email us before March 7 (havenprojectofga@gmail.com) if you want to do that so we can be sure to get a race t-shirt in your size and get you signed up to participate in the event. Whether you're an experienced racer or just want to come out for a nice walk on a beautiful spring day, we'd love to have you participate. It's for all ages and abilities.

Online registration for others who might like to participate can be found here:: https://www.active.com/blairsville-ga/running/distance-running/4th-annual-duncan-dash-5k-and-fun-run-2020

100% of every paid race registration goes toward Haven programs, so please spread the word!

We're also in need of volunteers for the Duncan Dash. We can use help with registration, handing out water to participants as they finish, taking pictures, and cheering for people along the course and at the finish line. If you would like to volunteer, please let us know.

Hope to see you in March!

February events

We have two events coming up in February:

1. lunch for our teen/young adult group: Saturday, February 15 at noon at Sicily's in Blairsville (305 Murphy Hwy)
If you plan to come and haven't already sent an RSVP, let us know, and if you're a teen or young adult with a disability and haven't yet come to one of the group's events, consider giving it a try. This group is very friendly and welcoming!

2. fun and learning at the Fire Department: Saturday, February 29 from 11AM-12PM at the Blairsville fire station (507 Shoe Factory Road, Blairsville)
Every family needs a plan for fire safety and escape. This fun and informative program will include tailoring emergency preparedness plans for families who have mobility challenges or sensory issues and exploring the special equipment and gear used to put out fires and save lives. Free smoke alarms will also be available. Please RSVP by February 23 so we can get a rough head count for the fire department.

Feb events.jpg

Bowling on January 11th

Happy New Year, friends! We hope your 2020 is off to a good start.

As you may know, our group for teens/young adults with disabilities (Haven Mug Group) is up and running. Their second gathering will be Saturday, January 11th at 1:30PM at Blairsville Galaxy Bowling (104 Backyard Lane, Blairsville, GA 30512). Come join us for bowling, food, socializing, discussion, and fun. Family members are welcome. Volunteers are welcome too, and it's free for all. 

If you've already RSVP'd through the Mug group's email or phone (text) list, thanks! If not, let us know you're coming by the 9th so we can give the bowling alley a head count. Just send a quick message to havenprojectofga@gmail.com.